“AI Made This Title: From Algorithms to Advocacy – AI in the Legal Profession”

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza - 100 Sandoval St, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Speaker: Madison Jones

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 “AI Made This Title: From Algorithms to Advocacy – AI in the Legal Profession”

About the presentation:    For many of us, Artificial Intelligence has gone from unfamiliar technological jargon to a ubiquitous topic of conversation over the past several years.  However, there is a still a lot for the world to learn and understand about AI.  As estate planning professionals, we have a unique duty to understand not only the fundamentals of AI in its current form, but also the potential implications this technology may have with respect to capacity determinations, financial matters, document preparation, and more.  In this presentation, we will discuss the basics of AI and delve deeper into AI’s potential applications and pitfalls in the estate planning community.

About Madison Jones:  is a partner at Wilcox, Myers & Jones, PC whose practice focuses primarily on estate and business planning including trust formation, trust and estate administration, and entity formation and counseling.

Madison is honored to serve on the Advisory Council of the Future Fund of the Albuquerque Community Foundation and as a volunteer attorney with the New Mexico Immigrant Law Center.   Madison regularly speaks to attorneys, accountants, financial advisorys and others on estate planning, business planning, charitable giving, planning related to retirement benefits and legal ethcis.

Madison attended the University of New Mexico, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) and her Masters in Business Administration (with honros) prior to attending law school in Seattle, where she earned her Juris Doctor (cum laude).






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